Hire Machine Learning Developers

Augment your existing development team and hire machine learning developers from Space-O’s pool of 80+ certified ML engineers. Our ML developers are highly proficient in multiple ML libraries and frameworks including PyTorch and Keras, allowing for great adaptability and customization. Having 14+ years of experience, Space-O’s developers offer multiple ML development services for various industries such as healthcare and logistics, helping improve the accuracy and efficiency of daily processes and applications for businesses.

Core Expertise of Our Machine Learning Developers

Custom ML Algorithm Development

Custom ML Algorithm Development

The ML developers at Space-O are special as they have the resources and skills to build custom ML models to perform tasks that are unique to your operations. This gives your ML solution more freedom and refinement to perform better at generative and predictive applications.

Data pre-processing and handling

Data Pre-Processing and Handling

When building or training an ML model, the quality of the training data is often neglected, which leads to inefficient model performance. To negate this our developers specialize in data pre-processing to ensure that your ML model functions without overfitting results or compromising on uniformity.

NLP Development

NLP Development

All language-based ML solutions are based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) models to function. Having worked with multiple NLP models, our ML developers can use their linguistic processing expertise to deliver solutions including custom chatbots and machine translation.

Image Recognition Model Creation

Image Recognition Model Creation

Image recognition models are used for applications such as image processing or anomaly detection, however, finding a pre-trained model for proprietary use is almost impossible; this is where our developers come in to build custom image recognition models ideal for your use case.

Machine Learning Model Fine-Tuning

Model Fine-Tuning

Most ML models require progressive fine-tuning to deliver consistent performance. Space-O developers offer model fine-tuning services for both existing and new ML models. We guarantee that post fine-tuning, the model will perform better than before at all few-shot learning tests.

Deep Learning

Deep Learning

With our developers’ comprehensive knowledge of deep learning algorithms, we offer many solutions such as text deciphering and image recognition models. Proficient in RNN, CNN, and GANs, our developers can build custom ML models using hybrid neural networks to perform both classification and generative tasks.

Solutions Built by Our ML Developers

Intelligent Surveillance Systems

Intelligent Surveillance Systems

Community protection-focused surveillance systems that use image recognition models to detect unauthorized activities can be vital to the safety of any neighborhood. Such models are fine-tuned to work with proprietary CCTV infrastructure to allow for easy integration and accessibility for both residents and law enforcement.

Autonomous Conversational Models

Autonomous Conversational Models

To automate customer support and knowledge-base operations, our developers have built several conversational ML models that resolve user queries autonomously. Whether through simple decision-tree style interactions or fully-fledged NLP solutions, these models  reduce the cost of support operations to a fraction of the price.

Optimized Fleet Management Solutions

Optimized Fleet Management Solutions

Making sure that consignments arrive on time without encountering any obstacles is essential in the field of logistics. To facilitate this, our ML engineers have built custom ML solutions throughout the supply chain such as route optimization and instant invoicing systems. These ML-powered solutions automate previously manual tasks to shorten delivery times and ensure consistency.

Benefits of Hiring Dedicated Machine Learning Developers

Concentrated efforts

Concentrated efforts

Dedicated machine learning developers can give your project the undivided attention that it deserves without any conflicting interests or deliverables.

Team augmentation

In its truest meaning, team augmentation is only possible when the additional hires are able to synchronize with your team to act as a unified force for developing solutions that adhere to your standards.

Quick Response Times

Quick response times

In response to unexpected downtimes or model discrepancies, dedicated ML developers can slide into action and resolve underlying issues without any latency in communication.

Rapid prototyping

Rapid prototyping

A dedicated ML developer on your side allows for brainstorming sessions where you can rapidly prototype your ML solution and see how it performs against benchmarks to find the optimal model configurations.

Dedicated ML Development Team vs Freelance Developers

Space-OFreelance Developers
Developers available 24×7Availability is subject to the freelancer’s schedule
Legally enforceable NDA-backed contractsEnforceability of contracts subject to freelancer’s jurisdiction
Readily available developers who hold experience with the majority of ML frameworks and librariesMultiple freelancers are required to fulfill specialized model development requirements
Complete support through product life-cycle for AI/ML solutionsLimited integration and post-deployment support
Dedicated resources for additional frontend/backend development, deployment, and talent management Additional candidates and interviews are required to fulfill any extra development services.

Why You Should Hire Our ML Developers from Space-O

Project Security and Confidentiality

Security and confidentiality

Rest assured that Space-O developers working on your project will keep all details secure and confidential under a strict NDA. This allows us to stay in compliance with global data protection norms and offer top-notch security assurance to all our clients.

Agile development practices

Agile development practices

To ensure a fast time to market, Space-O’s developers follow a development methodology that is based on Agile principles. This gives you frequent insights into the SDLC and ensures rapid development speeds with high quality standards.

Pre-vetted talent

Pre-vetted talent

Hiring developers from Space-O allows you to skip the tedious interviewing process as our developers are pre-vetted on all technical skills. For specialized ML projects, we have multiple developers with specializations in niche frameworks and libraries.

Exposure to relevant technologies

Exposure to relevant technologies

Given Space-O’s 14+ years of legacy building custom solutions, our developers have been exposed to a diverse range of projects which allows them to offer unique solutions based on their experience and expertise.

Flexible hiring options

Flexible hiring options

When hiring developers from Space-O, you can get your dream ML development team at your preferred availability mode. Be it part-time, full-time, or on a fixed-cost basis, our developers are ready to start working on your project on your terms.

Complete and instant support

Complete and instant support

Be it day or night, our developers and support teams are just a single call away from assisting you with your ML project, giving you the peace of mind to entrust your custom ML model with the capable developers at Space-O.

Post-deployment refinement

Post-deployment refinement

We recognize that ML models require constant re-training and refinement after deployment to ensure accuracy and efficiency. This is why our developers stay with your project and train it on new additional data to maintain its performance.

Pre-development insights

Pre-development insights

Our developers will help you gain insights into how ML solutions will fit into your workflows and improve operations even before the development cycle. This will give you a clear picture, helping you decide if an ML solution would be ideal for you.

Ready to Hire ML Developers? Call Us Now and Get in Touch with Space-O’s Highly Qualified Talent Pool

Our team of machine learning developers are here to assist you with any queries or concerns you may have regarding the development and onboarding process. All details such as price estimations, project scope and deliverables are just a call away.

Our Flexible Engagement Models for Hiring Machine Learning Developers from Space-O

Fixed cost model

Fixed cost model

Get a fixed contract value for your artificial intelligence software development project with the fixed cost model. Our ML engineers offer start-to-end support throughout your project’s lifecycle for successful development.

Time and Material Model

Time and Material Model

Only pay for the resources you use for your ML development project with the time and material model. Developing ML solutions with this model helps you get a rough estimate to raise optimal funds.

Dedicated AI Software Developers

Dedicated AI Software Developers

Build your own team of ML developers and machine learning experts with the dedicated ML software development model. Hire pre-vetted ML engineers from Space-O through our sleek hiring process.

Staff Augmentation

Staff Augmentation

Augment your existing team and fill skill gaps with Space-O. We have a team of onboarding-ready developers with on-site and off-site working flexibility for easy staff augmentation.

Machine Learning Tech Stack Used by Our Developers

To better understand the prolific experience of our developers, check out the tech stack that our developers use to bring your ideas to life.

Machine Learning Libraries

Monitoring and Analytics

Complete ML Development Journey with Space-O Developers


Discovery Call

Our team gains an understanding of your model requirements, data scale, and delivery deadlines.


Development Strategy Planning

The development of ML application architecture, deployment models, and KPIs is carried out.


Solution Engineering and Refinement

Your ML model is engineered with refined data and its performance is improved through RLHF.


Integration and Deployment

Our team integrates the final solution into your existing infrastructure and ensures successful deployment into production.


Final Testing and Maintenance

Final functionality testing is carried out in production and auto-scaling resources are deployed.

Industries We Serve







Travel and Tourism

Travel & Tourism

Fleet and Transportation

Fleet and Transportation










What is the average cost of hiring a machine learning developer per hour?

The average cost of hiring a machine learning developer ranges between $70-$250 per hour. This is because machine learning developers usually boast industry specializations where they can ideate and develop ML solutions for any given niche. Your cost of hiring an ML developer will mainly rely on your geography and experience requirements.

What kind of solutions can I build with a team of machine learning developers?

Space-O developers can build a variety of solutions from classification models for detecting buyer personas and shopping trends from sales reports to generative models that can hold coherent conversations with your users to resolve their queries. Based on data from the above-stated models, you could also build a regression model that evaluates the data to predict future trends and probabilities.

What is the hiring journey like after the exploratory call?

Once our representative understands your basic requirements through the exploratory call, we will assemble a comprehensive assortment of suitable developers and resources. The assembly is carried out with cost optimization and resource utilization in mind to give you the best talent within your budget.

How do I know if my project details will be kept confidential?

To guarantee the confidentiality and security of your project details, the developers at Space-O are mandated to sign a strict NDA. Apart from this, we maintain constant communication and transparency with our clients through regular conversations on encrypted channels. 

Can I hire machine learning developers on a pro-rata basis?

Yes, we offer multiple engagement models to hire machine learning developers, including part-time and fixed-cost hiring models if you have a project that needs continual development. You can also change your preferred engagement model within reason to fit changing project and stakeholder demands.

How many days does it take for the orientation of new machine learning developers?

Typically, it takes around 2-3 days for the developers from Space-O to get acquainted with your processes, projects, and teams. Once they have gained a working understanding of your SOPs and expectations, the orientation is deemed complete and they will start working on your custom ML solution.